Friday, November 16, 2012

Horticulture Hints For People Who Are Intimidated By It

Horticulture can be very useful, rewarding and fun. It really pays off when you are able to have a successful garden. Not only do you get good produce, but also a wonderful sense of accomplishment. The tips in this article will help you get the most from your garden.

To make it easier for large trees or shrubs to develop good root systems, plant them in the fall. When the plant is not using its resources up producing leaves, the plant's energy can be concentrated on the root system.

Learn the proper way to handle chemicals, and the right way to use garden tools. If you fail to do this, you could cause yourself all sorts of injuries, the most common of which is irritated skin. Always follow packaging directions to ensure your body's safety.

Use the colors of fall. A lot of the deciduous trees, vines and shrubs have their best show in the fall. They add fiery oranges, vivid reds and glowing yellows to your garden. Leaves change color because the plants no longer produce chlorophyll, which creates the green hue, and when that happens the pigments that were masked begin to appear. When planting in consideration of fall color, choose sunny locations where the plant receives full sun for a substantial percentage of the day. Boston ivy, burning bush, maple, chestnut and barberry are popular choices for those who want to enjoy a spectacular fall bloom.

When horticulture, be watchful of stink bugs, particularly in the fall. Stinkbugs are most prevalent on tomatoes, beans and peppers. If kept unchecked they can certainly do a ton of a damage to your garden so you should do what you need to to reduce their population.

Sometimes the soil you want to use for your garden has a high alkaline content. Combine coffee grounds with the soil to reduce this. Using coffee grounds is a less expensive way to make your soil more acidic than trying to replace your topsoil. Balanced soil will produce more flavorful, crisp vegetables and greens.

A garden with a foundation of healthy soil is the best defense against pests. Healthy plants are stronger and more able to resist both pests and disease. For the most vigorous and healthy plants, start with high-quality soil, and stay away from chemicals. These can accumulate salts over time.

Use climbers to cover walls and fences. Climbing plants are great for hiding hideous fences and walls, and they usually grow within a season. You don't have to worry about removing trees between the climbing plants and the fence, because the trees don't present obstacles to the climbers' growth. Some people use climbers as a natural "ceiling" to arbors. Some climbers will attach themselves to a support using twining stems or tendrils, while other varieties need to be held up by tying them in place. Honeysuckle and jasmine are very beautiful varieties of such climbers.

Keep your garden free from broad-spectrum pesticides. Broad-spectrum pesticides not only kill pests, but also "good" bugs like ground beetles that eat pests. Beneficial insects are more susceptible to toxic pesticides than their annoying counterparts, so a broad-spectrum pesticide could kill all of the good bugs first, allowing the population of bad pests to multiply. This can cause you to actually use more pesticides than you originally needed to combat the problem.

You don't have to plant just for spring and summer. Consider what are often beautiful colors in the fall. It doesn't have to be this way, however. the most colorful foliage appears in the fall. Maple, beech trees or dogwood take on some amazing colors. There are practically as many types of shrubs chosen for their fall colors are there are gardeners! Barberry, hydrangea and cotoneaster are particularly popular choices.

Climbing plants and vines are great for covering fences and wall structures. Climbing foliage is a great way to disguise unsightly features on your property, sometimes in the span of just one season. They may also grow through tress and shrubs that are already grown, or you can train them to cover your arbor. There are natural climbers, which use tendrils or stems to wrap around any given surface, while others must be tied with a string or rope. Some dependable types include honeysuckle, clematis, jasmine, climbing roses, and wisteria.

Get some horticulture knee pads if you find yourself kneeling on the ground a lot to do your horticulture. Long hours spent in the garden will wreak havoc on your knees. Investing in good knee pads will help cushion your knees so you are more comfortable.

If you can't wait for a cut to heal before digging in the dirt, then at least protect your cuts from exposure. It is possible for a cut to become extremely infected if it comes into contact with dirt and grime while gardening. Instead, opt for a bandage that entirely covers your wound.

Use a plant for a focal point. There should be a solid focal point for every good garden design. Mostly it is a distinctive plant that sets it apart from the neighboring plants and flowers.

Learn how to properly lay sod. Your soil should be prepared before you lay the sod. Get rid of weeds and tilth the soil finely. Using a light but firm touch, compact the soil until it is flat. Moisten the soil thoroughly. Sod should be staggered in rows, the joints offsetting from each other. The sod should form a flat and firm surface. Fill in gaps with soil. Water the sod each day for two weeks so it will become well-rooted and ready for foot traffic.

Make sure you protect your knees well while you are gardening. Most people can't bend for long periods while standing. If you kneel, you can easily work on your plants without placing stress on your back. Place a cushioning kneeling pad on the ground or wear knee pads to make kneeling more comfortable.

Irrigate your garden efficiently. Use a type of soaker hose so that you don't need to do individual waterings with the hose nozzle, or be refilling a watering can constantly. To protect your plants, keep the flow on the soaker down. You can go about your business and leave your soaker hose at work for an hour or two.

Use a chicken tractor for fertilizing your garden project. When it comes to a chicken tractor, it is basically a chicken coop that is moveable with a sheltered area and an open floor. Your chickens can therefore eat foods found in nature, such as bugs or plants, rather than chicken feed, if you use a chicken tractor. When they eliminate waste after eating, it'll fertilize your soil. Since the area is portable, it can be moved around in different areas.

Vegetables should be planted in an area where they will get a minimum of six hours of daily sunlight. Almost all vegetables need this much sunlight, so that they can grow correctly and in a shorter amount of time. This also rings true for some of the flowers.

As is evident by the article you just read, horticulture is not as difficult as it may have seemed at first glance. Just like any topic, gardening is vast a subject which encompasses a plethora of information. Sometimes, all it takes is one little tip that can help guide you along your way to help you get started. With luck, you got such a spark from something in this article.

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